Religious Men working in the Diocese

Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCD)

Superior General        :           P. Saverio Cannistra

Address                       :           Casa Generalizia dei Carmelitani Scalzi
                                                Corso d’Italia, 38
                                                00198 Roma- Italia
                                                Tel: +39 06 85 44 32 30

  1. Discalced Carmelites (OCD) Manjummal Province

Provincial        :           V. Rev. Fr. Prasad Theruvath

Address           :           Carmelite Provincial House
                                    P.B. No. 3032, Chittoor Road, Cochin- 682 018
                                    Tel. 0484/2393115, Fax: 0484/2393115
                                    E.mail  :
                                    Web     :
Yesu Bhavan
                                                S.L. Puram P.O.
Cherthala-688 582
                                           Ph: 0478- 2862229, 2863087

Estd.                      :           1986

  1. Rev. Fr. Augustine Pooppady OCD (Superior)  9544841419
  2. Rev. Fr. Antony Ittikunnathu OCD

(Director Yesubhavan)                        9526234303

  1. Rev. Fr.Francis Pandippilly OCD                                   9496429780
  2. Rev. Fr. Sebastian Nalukulangara OCD

Director, Vimala Welfare Centre                   9947659597

  1. Rev. Fr.Nelson Pulickal OCD -                          9447596621


  1. Discalced Carmelites(OCD)South Kerala Province

Provincial        :           Rev. Fr.  Benjamin Elias OCD

Address           :           St. Joseph’s Provincial House, Kannanalloor Road
                                    Kottiyam- P.O. , Kollam- 691571
                                    Tel. 0474- 2530084, Mob. 9605836083


St. Joseph’s Carmelite Ashram
            Address           :           Ambalapuzha,
Alleppey- 688 561
Tel. 0477-2273005

Estd.                :           1996
Members        :           Rev. Fr. Joseph Nicholoas OCD (Superior) Mob. 7034349099
                                    Rev. Fr. John Robert OCD Mob:  8281855534
                                    Rev. Fr. Joseph Elanjikal OCD Mob: 9447095004
                                    Rev. Fr. Joseph Manuval Veliyath OCD Mob: 8086283140
                                    Rev. Fr. Yacob Simiyon OCD Mob: 9567243127       

  1. Order of Frairs Minor Capuchins (O.F.M. Cap)


General Minister        :           Most. Rev. Br. Mauro Johri
Address                       :           General Curia
                                                O.F.M. Cap
                                                Via Piemonte 70 00187 Roma, Italy

Tel                               :           0039064620121
Br. General                 :           00390646201230
Fax                               :           0039064828267
E.mail                          :           (GM)
                                    :              (SG)
Website                       : 


Provincial Minister     :           V.Rev. Br. Sunil Sesadima
Address                       :           Provincial Curia
                                                Capuchin Provincialate
                                                P.B. No. 2108
                                                Cochi University P.O.
                                                Cochin- 682 002
                                                Kerala, India
Phone                          :           0091 484 2557779
Fax                               :           0091 484 2541152
E.mail                          :          
Web                             : 

                        Capuchin  Ashram
                        Thumpoly, Alleppey North- 688 007
                        Tel. 0477/2244581

Estd                             :           1977
Members                    :          

  1. Rev. Fr.John Baptist O.F.M.Cap( Superior)           9495312142
  2. Rev. Fr. Samson Antony OFM Cap.                       8129780890
  3. Rev. Fr.Sabu Thobias O.F.M. Cap                         9995761894
  4. Rev. Fr. Sinoy OFM Cap.                                       8593976707


  1. Indian Missionary Society (IMS)

Superior General             :           Very Rev.Fr.Mahendra Paul IMS

Address                            :           IMS Generalate, S 17/330 EC
PB No.2076, Maldahiya,
Varanasi, U.P. 221002 
          Tel                                 :           0542 2202977/2204465
          Mob.                             :           09452709755

Provincial Superior               :           Very Rev.Fr.Dinesh IMS
Snehsadan, Provincial House
ITI Chowk,
Karnal 132001

Tel.                                          :           01842231475
Mob.                                       :           09416030476
Email                                       :          

Ims Dhyana Bhavan
Punnapra PO
Alleppey 688004


  1. Rev.Fr.Prasen Raj IMS  (Local Superior)         8086196245
  2. Rev.Fr.Prashant IMS    (Program Director)    9496966988
  3. Rev.Fr.Amaldas IMS   (Spiritual Director)      9656961942
  4. Rev.Fr.Vineet Raj IMS (Treasurer)                 9605907813
  5. Rev.Fr.Chandan IMS  (Minister)                     9048773332
  6. Rev.Fr.Sudheer IMS  (Associate Director)      9846694312
  1. Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB)

Rector Major       :           Fr. Fernandez Artime Angel

Address                :           Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco
                                         Via della Pisana, 1111
                                         C.P. 18333
                                         00163 Roma, Italy
E.mail                              :          
Generalate Reception     :           0039 06 65 61 21
Rector Major                   :           0039 06 65 61 26 70

        Provincial                                    :           Fr. Thomas Anchukandam SDB
Address                            :           Don Bosco Provincial House
P.B. No. 551, Milton Street, Cooke Town
Bangalore- 560 005
        Tel                                   :           094 48 38 80 11         
        Reception                                    :           080 25 49 47 58
Reception                        :           080 25 49 47 59          :
        E.mail                              :          


Salesians of Don Bosco (S.D.B.)
                        Maxmillian Kolbe Church
Mangalam, Alappuzha North, Alappuzha- 688 007
                        Ph: 0477-2246686

  1. Rev. Fr. Joseph Thekkel SDB               9496274258

Vicar, Maxmillian Kolbe Church

  1. Rev. Fr. Jose Thadathil SDB                9387944042

Rev. Fr. Joy Vathallore SDB                9496428736


Society of the Catholic Apostolate (SAC)

Rector General    :           V. Rev. Fr. Jacob Nambudakom SAC
Address                :           Generalato dei Pallottini, Piazza, S.V.
Pallotti-204 00186
Rome, Italy

Provincial             :           V. Rev. Fr. Varghese Pullen SAC
Address                :           Pallotti Bhavan, Seminary Hills, Nagpur- 440 006
                                                Ph: 0712 2510639, 2510080,
                                                Fax: 0712 2510756

                                                Pallotine Fathers
Sneha Nivas, Kattoor P.O., Alappuzha- 688 546
Ph: 0478 2861113
            Estd     :           2004


  1. Rev. Fr. Mathew Panackal SAC- Superior

Vicar, St. Vincent Pallotti Church, Kattoor     9496261559

  1. Rev. Fr. Sakhayidas  SAC

Director, Pallotti Boy’s Home                         9425343410
























